Wednesday, December 1, 2010

We are Parents!

It's been 6 mos since we gave birth to our son Raphael and since then; a lot of things has changed. The house that was prepared before he came is now a baby cave. His toys are all over the place. The kitchen is
now invaded with baby food and the nursery has become the baby storage room. Yup! That's right! He never got to use it at all. The once romantic bed we shared is now dominated by the little one and the best of them all, I have become his personal pacifier.

The first six months was tiring and yet lovely. It was sometimes frustrating and yet fulfilling. Although the changes had been drastic, we get to share the joys of seeing our child grow everyday. He has now become the center of our lives.

We are truly blessed and thank the Lord that our lives have been changed forever by the child who was just a dream six months ago. We are now officially parents.

Looking forward for the years to come.

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